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Mysolar Shines at Canton Fair with High-Efficiency Solar Modules and Innovative Cleaning Solution

Apr 20, 2024

Mysolar at Canton Fair April 2024 with 720W HJT modules

Mysolar, a renowned manufacturer of high-efficiency solar modules, made a significant impact at the April edition of the Canton Fair in Guangzhou from April 15th to 19th. The company's showcase of cutting-edge products garnered immense interest and acclaim from attendees, solidifying Mysolar's reputation as a leader in the solar industry.

Among the standout products that captured the attention of visitors were the MS720N-HJTGB 720 HJT modules and the MS445N-DHBAX 445W full black TOPCON modules. These top-of-the-line solar modules impressed with their superior performance, efficiency, and sleek design, showcasing Mysolar's commitment to quality and innovation.

In addition to the exceptional solar modules, Mysolar also introduced the Mamibot SOLARWALKER S1 robot cleaner for solar panels at the fair. The SOLARWALKER S1, designed by Mysolar's mother company Mamibot, a robotic company with over 11 years of experience in research and development of robotics, generated significant interest among attendees, highlighting Mysolar's dedication to providing comprehensive and efficient solar solutions.

"We are thrilled by the overwhelming response we received at the Canton Fair," said the sales manager of Mysolar. "The positive reception of our high-efficiency solar modules and the innovative SOLARWALKER S1 robot cleaner reaffirms our commitment to delivering cutting-edge solutions that meet the evolving needs of our customers."

The success of Mysolar at the Canton Fair underscores the company's position as a trailblazer in the solar industry, known for its premium products and forward-thinking approach to sustainability. With a focus on quality, performance, and customer satisfaction, Mysolar continues to set new standards for excellence in the renewable energy sector.

For more information about Mysolar and its range of high-efficiency solar modules and innovative cleaning solutions, please send your query to or visit our site

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Mysolar - компанія Mamibot і бренд сонячних енергетичних продуктів, включаючи сонячні модулі / панелі, сонячні інвертори, житлову сонячну систему та комерційні сонячні електростанції. він спрямований на створення Mysolar як виробника сонячних панелей марки 1 рівня у всьому світі. Mysolar пропонує високоефективні сонячні панелі PERC Mono, а Mysolar - одна з провідних фабрик сонячних панелей для високоякісних подвійних скляних двофазних сонячних панелей. Сонячні панелі Mysolar сертифіковані TUV відповідно до IEC61730, IEC61215, IEC61701, IEC61726 та ін. Заводи Mysolar перевірені ISO9001, ISO14001, OHSAS18001.
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