Who are the best solar panel manufacturers? What are the best solar panels today in 2019?
These are common asked questions by homeowners, installers, distributors, and it is not easy to give a standard answer in every country of the world.
We can classify these solar panel manufacturers/factories by company history, by product types, by brand reputation, by production volume or installed module volume. There are thousands of solar panel brands worldwide, and there are thousands of answers to everybody.
However, three key points have to be considered if you want to find the best solar panels: Material quality, panel efficiency, limited product warranty.
If we only talk about manufacturers’ history, we’d say these brands are the best such as Hyundai, LG, Panasonic, Sharp, Sunpower, First solar who have more than 20 years history in solar business. However, if we classify by production capacity and annual shipment volume, these companies are mainly from China including Jinkosolar, JA Solar, Trina Solar, Longi Solar, Canadian Solar (Canada), Hanwha Q-cells (South Korea), Risen Energy, GCL-SI, Talesun, First Solar (USA), sourced from PV-tech.org 2018.
What are the best solar panels?
In almost all cases, the best solar panels are made with premium monocrystalline solar cells. Monocrystalline cells are made with a single crystal of silicon instead of many silicon fragments melted together, as is the case with polycrystalline cells. This means that the cells are more efficient at converting sunlight to electricity and have a sleek black tint to them. However, it’s important to keep in mind that premium solar panels with monocrystalline cells generally come with a higher upfront price tag.
Who are the best solar panel manufacturers? What are the best solar panels today in 2019?
How do we figure out which of the companies offer the best solar panels with the proper combination of product quality and price? Technically, we have to check the parameters of the solar panels by every manufacturer and compare their main-stream models with other companies main-stream models that can be widely used in projects. There are hundreds of manufacturers data assessed and taken into comparison.
Then it comes out the three key points for choosing the right solar panels from the best solar panel manufacturers.
Material quality
Despite considering the assembling craftsmanship, there are mainly six key components on one single crystalline solar panel (both mono and poly solar panels), including solar cells, EVA film, back sheet, tempered glass, junction box and aluminum frames. Each of the six components’ failure may cause defects to solar panels. So it is very important that your solar panels are composed of the best materials from the Tier 1 material suppliers in this industry. Of course, it is hard for homeowners to get deep knowledge of the solar panel manufacturers' BOM list, but in some circumstances it is possible to inspect only even by naked eye observation on looking of these solar panels.
Solar panel efficiency
Solar panel efficiency refers to how well your solar panel can convert sunlight into usable electricity. The higher the efficiency is, the more power the solar panels will produce. The best solar panels available on the market today are SunPower’s X-Series Residential Solar Panels, which are 22% efficient.
Materials warranty
We’d say that it should be true the solar panels have the longest warranty among all kind of products supplied for people’s application. Did you every use anything with a warranty over 10 years, not even to say 25 years. Manufacturers provide warranty for all kinds of commodities in every industry, some of them are 1 months, some of them 1 years, some of them are 5 years. A solar panel’s materials warranty (sometimes referred to as the product or equipment warranty) protects you against equipment failures due to manufacturing defects or environmental issues.
Most of the solar panel companies provide 10 years limited product warranty, however the best solar panel manufacturers offer more than that. From 10 years to 15 years. Keep in mind that while not taken into account in this rating, solar panels also come with a 25-year performance warranty as well. Manufacturers typically guarantee that their panels will produce electricity at 80-90% of their original output at the end of that warranty period.
The top solar panel manufacturers of 2019
Manufacturer Efficiency (%) Temperature Coefficient Material Warranty
Axitec 15.37% to 17.9% -0.44 to -0.4 12 years
Canadian Solar 15.88% to 18.33% -0.41 to -0.39 10 years
CentroSolar 15.3% to 17.8% -0.44 to -0.42 10 years
China Sunergy 14.98% to 16.53% -0.42 to -0.41 10 years
ET Solar 15.37% to 17.52% -0.44 to -0.41 10 years
GCL 16% to 17% -0.41 to -0.41 10 years
Grape Solar 16.21% to 17.64% -0.5 to -0.4 10 years
Green Brilliance 14.24% to 15.58% -0.45 to -0.45 5 years
Hanwha Q CELLS 14.7% to 19.6% -0.43 to -0.28 12 years
Heliene 15.6% to 19.3% -0.43 to -0.39 10 years
Hyundai 14.2% to 18.4% -0.45 to -0.41 12 years
Itek Energy 16.49% to 18.94% -0.47 to -0.39 10 years
JA Solar 15.5% to 18.35% -0.41 to 0.41 10 years
JinkoSolar 15.57% to 18.57% -0.4 to -0.39 10 years
Kyocera 14.75% to 16.11% -0.45 to -0.45 10 years
LG 16.8% to 21.1% -0.42 to -0.3 25 years
LONGi Solar 17.4% to 18.7% -0.38 to -0.38 10 years
Mission Solar 15.98% to 18.36% -0.42 to -0.32 10 years
Mitsubishi Electric 16.3% to 16.9% -0.45 to -0.44 10 years
Mamibot Mysolar 16.5% to 19.67% -0.35 to -0.27 12 years
Neo Solar Power 16% to 17% -0.42 to 0.42 10 years
Panasonic 18.5% to 20.3% -0.26 to -0.26 25 years
Peimar Group 15.4% to 18.4% -0.45 to -0.43 20 years
Phono Solar 15.36% to 18.55% -0.45 to -0.4 10 years
REC Solar 14.5% to 19.8% -0.4 to -0.35 20 years
Recom Solar 16% to 19% -0.4 to 0.39 12 years
ReneSola 14.9% to 16.9% -0.43 to -0.4 10 years
Renogy Solar 15.3% to 18.5% -0.44 to -0.44 10 years
S-Energy 14.62% to 18.7% -0.43 to -0.3 10 years
Seraphim 15.67% to 17.52% -0.43 to -0.42 10 years
Silevo 16.9% to 18.5% -0.27 to -0.27 10 years
SolarWorld 14.91% to 17.59% -0.43 to -0.4 20 years
SunEdison 15.5% to 16.8% -0.45 to -0.45 25 years
Suniva Inc 16.66% to 17.65% -0.42 to -0.42 10 years
SunPower 16% to 22.2% -0.38 to -0.29 25 years
Talesun 16.1% to 18.2% -0.39 to -0.39 10 years
Trina Solar Energy 15% to 18.6% -0.41 to -0.39 10 years
How to find the best price on your solar panels
There is not real THE BEST product for everyone. You got to do a lot of study on reviews about the products, and to know more about not only the solar panels, but also other accessories for the system. The best solar panels may not have the best prices for you, it is always determined by the real case of your installation needs and your expectation on how much do you want to invest, how long do you want to get net profit, how much space you got for your roof/land.
Some Tips for your Reference
1. The best solar panels doesn’t mean the cheapest. You got what you pay.
2. Do not buy no-brand cheap products for your system, you may get endless problems in future.
3. Find the proper installer, who are professional in solar energy and well-trained in project installation and maintenance. It is not that much important even if the solar panels manufacturer does not have long history, be sure the one who serve you for projects are reliable and professional.
4. Compare your products’ specification with other big brands that you didn’t choose.
It is important if you/your installer can get the BOM list of the equipment you buy. Experienced installers know more about the industry and they can proof more about the product quality for you.

About Mysolar
Mysolar is a Mamibot (with its headquarters based in USA) company and sub-brand, a manufacturer and factory specialized in designing and manufacturing solar panels with the most the-state-of-the-art technology and the highest level of craftsmanship.
Mysolar aims to provide tier 1 solar panels and build itself tier 1 solar module manufacturer.
Mysolar has a team of the-most-experienced engineers with more than 15 years in Solar PV manufacturing, the strictest quality control team who averagely worked more than 10 years in Solar Panel production, the most client-oriented and professional sales team who know the art to provide proper solutions and answers to customers and the most dedicated R&D masters who can bring the latest cost-effective and high-efficient solar modules to the market.
Mysolar produces truly wide range of high-level solar panels including standard solar modules with both poly and/or mono cells, super efficient PERC solar panels in both mono and poly crystalline, super cost-effective poly and/or mono solar panels with half cells.
We believe that we are rewriting the history of energy consumption way and we are doing more to build a cleaner and more comfortable world.
Mysolar is a Mamibot company and brand of solar power products including solar modules/panels, solar inverters, residential solar system and commercial solar power plants. It aims to build Mysolar as tier 1 brand solar panel manufacturer worldwide. Solar panel manufacturer, solar module factory|太阳能组件制造商|ソーラーパネルメーカー、ソーラーモジュール工場|Producent paneli słonecznych, fabryka modułów słonecznych|Hersteller von Solarmodulen, Fabrik für Solarmodule|Производитель солнечных панелей, завод солнечных модулей|Fabricant de panneaux solaires, usine de modules solaires|Solpanel producent, solmodul fabrik|태양 전지 패널 제조 업체, 태양 전지 모듈 공장|Výrobce solárních panelů, továrna na solární moduly|Fabrikant van zonnepanelen, fabriek van zonnemodules|Fabricante de painel solar, fábrica de módulos solares|Výrobca solárnych panelov, továreň na solárne moduly|ผู้ผลิตแผงโซลาร์เซลล์, โรงงานโมดูลพลังงานแสงอาทิตย์|Güneş paneli üreticisi, güneş modülü fabrikası|Виробник сонячних панелей, завод сонячних модулів|Κατασκευαστής ηλιακών συλλεκτών, εργοστάσιο ηλιακών μονάδων|Napelem gyártója, napelemmodul gyár|Produttore di pannelli solari, fabbrica di moduli solari|Nhà sản xuất bảng điều khiển năng lượng mặt trời, nhà máy mô-đun năng lượng mặt trời|مصنع الألواح الشمسية ومصنع للطاقة الشمسية|
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