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Power cuts in summer keep solar panels' price elevated

Since the beginning of August, solar manufacturers have responded to the government's announcement of power curtailment due to high temperature in summer, especially Sichuan officially announced a large-scale power curtailment on the 15th, the solar cell has suffered the supply bottleneck.

Power cut has already made shortage supply of solar panel raw materials and seems high level price will not change in the short term;

The current execution price of 500W+ single-glass modules is about FOB US$0.265-0.285 per watt; A good news to Mysolar valuable clients is that they have locked quite big quantity of raw materials at lower cost and they are offering competitive price for orders in the next month.

About Mysolar
Mysolar, a premium solar panel brand, is a Mamibot company and sub-brand, specialized in designing and manufacturing solar panels with the most state-of-the-art technology and the highest level of craftsmanship.

Mysolar has a team consisting of the most experienced engineers with more than 15 years in Solar PV manufacturing, the strictest quality control team who has put in averagely more than 10 years in Solar Panel production, the most client-oriented and professional sales team who know the art of providing proper solutions and answers to customers and the most dedicated R&D masters who can bring the latest cost-effective and high-efficient solar modules to the market.

Mysolar produces a truly wide range of high-level solar panels including standard solar modules with both poly and/or mono cells, super-efficient PERC solar panels in both mono and poly crystalline, super cost-effective poly and/or mono solar panels with half cells.

We believe that we are rewriting the history of energy consumption and we are doing our best to build a cleaner and more comfortable world.

Aug 14, 2022

Summer electricity shortage caused electricity in industrial manufacturing, solar panel productions are also involved.

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Mamibot is een hightech bedrijf in het ontwerpen en vervaardigen van robotproducten en innovatieve reinigingsapparatuur.
Mysolar is een Mamibot-bedrijf en een merk van zonne-energieproducten, waaronder zonnepanelen/panelen, omvormers voor zonne-energie, zonnestelsels voor woningen en commerciële zonne-energiecentrales. het heeft tot doel Mysolar wereldwijd op te bouwen als fabrikant van eersteklas zonnepanelen. Mysolar biedt zeer efficiënte PERC Mono-zonnepanelen aan en Mysolar is een van de toonaangevende zonnepaneelfabrieken voor hoogwaardige dubbelglas bifaciale zonnepanelen. De zonnepanelen van Mysolar zijn gecertificeerd door TUV volgens IEC61730, IEC61215, IEC61701, IEC61726, enz. De fabrieken van Mysolar zijn geverifieerd door ISO9001, ISO14001, OHSAS18001.
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