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Mysolar USA attends Ukraine CiSOLAR exhibition in Kiev Apr 8-9 2020 - presenting bifacial 465W panels

Jan 1, 2020

Mamibot Mysolar will present the new high efficient bifacial solar panels with maximum power output 465W in Kiev, Ukraine during Apr 8 and 9 2020 on the 9th Cisolar exhibition.

​Mysolar will present the latest high efficiency bifacial solar panels with maximum power output 465W.

Mysolar's SUPO Series MS410M-DHBS 410W bifacial panels, with frame or without frame, has maximum 465W output by counting both the frond side production and rearside production.

​There are so many reasons to use bifacial solar panels, explained by the technical director of Mysolar USA:

"Basically, the price of Mysolar's framed bifacial panels is quite close to conventional solar panels, it is really a good time to massively install now. And Mysolar just got TUV certificates for our high efficiency and high power bifacial panels, we are ready for the market. There are many reasons for bifacial panels including but not limited to:

1. Higher Efficiency - Front Side Up to 20.2% efficiency
2. Extra Power Gain - Rearside generates extra power output
3. Better PID Resistance - Double Glass protects panels better
4. Higher Fireproof level - Grade A fireproof
5. Longer Lifespan - up to 30 years warranty
6. Lower Degradation: 2.5% from 1st, 0.448% degradation from second year
7. Stronger Corrossion Resistance - Glass replaces conventional backsheet, better steam/water/acid/salt
8. Greater Installation Scenes - BIPV, Deserts, Strong wind/snow sections
9. Easier Maintenence - frameless panels are easier to be cleaned
10. Less cost - very competitive prices comparing with conventional PERC modules, less BOS cost (balance of system)"

Mysolar is only offering high-efficient top end solar panels, targeting for Tier 1 brand in solar panel industry.

To meet Mysolar: CiSOLAR 2020, Kiev, Ukraine (9th International Conference and Trade Show, Solar Energy of Central And Eastern Europe), Booth Number: E04​

About Mysolar
​Mysolar is a Mamibot (with its headquarters based in USA) company and sub-brand, a manufacturer specialized in designing and manufacturing solar panels with the most the-state-of-the-art technology and the highest level of craftsmanship.
Mysolar aims to provide tier 1 solar panels and build itself tier 1 solar module manufacturer.
Mysolar has a team of the-most-experienced engineers with more than 15 years in Solar PV manufacturing, the strictest quality control team who averagely worked more than 10 years in Solar Panel production, the most client-oriented and professional sales team who know the art to provide proper solutions and answers to customers and the most dedicated R&D masters who can bring the latest cost-effective and high-efficent solar modules to the market.
​Mysolar produces truly wide range of high-level solar panels including standard solar modules with both poly and/or mono cells, super efficient PERC solar panels in both mono and poly crystalline, super cost-effective poly and/or mono solar panels with half cells.
​We believe that we are rewriting the history of energy consumption way and we are doing more to build a cleaner and more comfortable world.

Household robots are rewriting human’s cleaning history. A new era of intelligent housekeeping is dawning upon the world. Mamibot was born at the historic moment, bringing you cutting-edge robotic technology and unprecedented easy life.

Mamibot Manufacturing USA Inc. is a USA-based leading manufacturer of robotic products and has been dedicated to designing and manufacturing robots that can perform as intelligently as, or even outperform humans on household chores for years. Mamibot provides a wide range of home cleaning robots, inside and out, including vacuum cleaners, robot mowers and innovative electric floor cleaners, etc. We have a great vision for saving you from all-around tedious chores.

Mamibot has the most creative and aggressive team of engineers in the realm of mechanical, industrial design, electrical, software and sales. Compared to others in the industry, Mamibot robots feature better cleaning performance, smarter technology, a more user-friendly design and more durable hardware.

With Mamibot robots, you will have dustless carpets, streak-free windows and a neatly mowed lawn, while being free from your typical chores; leaving them to your smart housekeeper in order to enjoy a cozier life!

As a robot vacuum cleaner manufacturer, Mamibot owns more than 20 production lines in its two robot cleaner factories where they produce robot vacuum cleaners, robot window cleaners, electric mops and polishers, cordless stick vacuums, etc. The Mamibot engineering team has been working in the robotic cleaner industry for more than 5 years, with comprehensive knowledge in manufacturing, designing, quality management and production.​

Mamibot is now one of the few manufacturers out there that produce the largest variety of robot cleaners in the world. Mamibot offers robot floor cleaners for both consumer-level and higher-end market; anything from pet hair cleaning, small apartments to larger house cleaning. Mamibot offers robot window cleaners for both sides of windows in high-rise buildings, villas, apartments, shops, factories and stores. Mamibot also offers cordless cleaning devices such as multifunctional dual-spin electric polishers/mops, cordless stick vacuum cleaners, dust mite vacuum cleaners that kill bacteria and dust mites, etc.

​​Mamibot aims to build itself a tier 1 brand solar panel manufacturer, but with a tier 2 affordable price. As one of the most promising brands, Mamibot is growing to become the top three popular robot cleaner brands in robotic cleaning devices in Europe.

​About Mysolar

​Mysolar is a Mamibot company and sub-brand, specialized in designing and manufacturing solar panels with the most state-of-the-art technology and the highest level of craftsmanship.

Mysolar has a team consisting of the most experienced engineers with more than 15 years in Solar PV manufacturing, the strictest quality control team who has put in averagely more than 10 years in Solar Panel production, the most client-oriented and professional sales team who know the art of providing proper solutions and answers to customers and the most dedicated R&D masters who can bring the latest cost-effective and high-efficient solar modules to the market.

Mysolar produces a truly wide range of high-level solar panels including standard solar modules with both poly and/or mono cells, super-efficient PERC solar panels in both mono and poly crystalline, super cost-effective poly and/or mono solar panels with half cells.

We believe that we are rewriting the history of energy consumption and we are doing our best to build a cleaner and more comfortable world.

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Mysolar Manufacturing (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

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Mamibot is een hightech bedrijf in het ontwerpen en vervaardigen van robotproducten en innovatieve reinigingsapparatuur.
Mysolar is een Mamibot-bedrijf en een merk van zonne-energieproducten, waaronder zonnepanelen/panelen, omvormers voor zonne-energie, zonnestelsels voor woningen en commerciële zonne-energiecentrales. het heeft tot doel Mysolar wereldwijd op te bouwen als fabrikant van eersteklas zonnepanelen. Mysolar biedt zeer efficiënte PERC Mono-zonnepanelen aan en Mysolar is een van de toonaangevende zonnepaneelfabrieken voor hoogwaardige dubbelglas bifaciale zonnepanelen. De zonnepanelen van Mysolar zijn gecertificeerd door TUV volgens IEC61730, IEC61215, IEC61701, IEC61726, enz. De fabrieken van Mysolar zijn geverifieerd door ISO9001, ISO14001, OHSAS18001.
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