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Mysolar presented the latest solar modules in Munich during Intersolar 2022

May 13, 2022

Full Black and Bifacial Shingled Panels are the Key products

Mysolar's new solar modules in Munich at Intersolar Europe 2022

During Mar 11 to May 13, 2022, Mysolar presented its latest solar modules which are suitable for roof-top installations or on-grounding mounting systems, along with the latest technology.

The modules for roof-top installations must be with proper dimension, high efficiency and power output, better can be integrated with the color of roofs, so FullBlack module is the best option.
Mysolar promoted the FullBlack series of solar modules including:
BlackRoof MS410M-HA 410W, MS460M-HA 410W, MS460M-DHBA 460W Bifacial FullBlack;
MS410PM5-60SBF 410W, MS490PM5-72SBF Full Black Shingled Mono Perc Panels;

As for big on-ground mounting systems, bigger size, higher power, better performance are quite important.
Mysolar's MS660M6-DB69 660W BIFACIAL SHINGLED MONO PERC panel made strong noise at the exhibition. This 660W module has been in mass production for around one year, and it saves up to 10% cost in Bos, while the cost is quite close to other competitors' general 600W mono perc panels (With the similar dimension).

Mysolar is only using Grade A materials in solar panel manufacturing, and Mysolar is looking for more long-term partners globally in the hope that the products of Mysolar will not just only satisfy their clients, but to save more money and produce more power for the users.

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Mysolar is een Mamibot-bedrijf en een merk van zonne-energieproducten, waaronder zonnepanelen/panelen, omvormers voor zonne-energie, zonnestelsels voor woningen en commerciële zonne-energiecentrales. het heeft tot doel Mysolar wereldwijd op te bouwen als fabrikant van eersteklas zonnepanelen. Mysolar biedt zeer efficiënte PERC Mono-zonnepanelen aan en Mysolar is een van de toonaangevende zonnepaneelfabrieken voor hoogwaardige dubbelglas bifaciale zonnepanelen. De zonnepanelen van Mysolar zijn gecertificeerd door TUV volgens IEC61730, IEC61215, IEC61701, IEC61726, enz. De fabrieken van Mysolar zijn geverifieerd door ISO9001, ISO14001, OHSAS18001.
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