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Mysolar will present HJT solar panels 700W in Shanghai at SNEC 2023

May 11, 2023

Mysolar presents the latest HJT solar modules in Shanghai at SNEC 2023

Shanghai, China - Mysolar, the innovative solar panel manufacturer, is delighted to announce that it will be participating in the SNEC PV Power Expo 2023, scheduled to be held from May 24th to 26th at the Shanghai New International Expo Center. The company will showcase its latest product line, including the highly anticipated HJT solar panels.

Mysolar is committed to producing high-efficient, high-performance, and high-quality solar panels, and its products are very popular in the market. This year, a new HJT solar panel product will be launched and will be showcased for the first time at this exhibition. This new product adopts the latest technology, elevating all aspects of performance to unprecedented heights.

Mysolar's HJT solar panels are lighter, stronger, and more energy-efficient, with a higher 22.86% conversion efficiency, 30 years longer lifespan, and lower maintenance costs. At present, Mysolar's HJT solar panels for mass production, including:
Gold Series N-type HJT dual-glass bifacial 700W+, 635W+

Altra Series N-type full black dual-glass 435W+, 580W+

During the exhibition, Mysolar will set up a booth to provide product displays and answer questions for visitors. The company's representatives are also ready to have face-to-face discussions with industry professionals from around the world regarding this advanced HJT solar panel product. Visitors can experience the cutting-edge technology and excellent performance of HJT solar panels up close and in all directions.

Mysolar values the opportunity to participate in this SNEC Renewable Energy Exhibition and hopes to share its technological innovation with people from all walks of life and explore future business cooperation opportunities and common business growth. At the same time, the company also looks forward to establishing closer contact with its partners at the exhibition and promoting the development of renewable energy.

Welcome all believers to visit Mysolar's booth during the exhibition period, learn more about HJT solar panel products, and experience the infinite possibilities brought by this product.

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