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Mysolar Invite Global Business Friends to the 132nd Canton Fair Online

Oct 7, 2022

The 132nd Canton Fair Online in 2022 Oct

The 132nd China Import and Export Fair, also known as the Canton Fair will open online on October 15th 2022 at

The 10-day ON LINE fair, which lasts from October 15th to 24th, will be a larger scale exhibition, expanded the range of exhibitors to offer more options for buyers. Attracted 10,000 additional exhibitors to the original 25,000, the fair presents more than 2.9 million products covering 16 categories of products ranging from consumer goods to home appliances.

Exhibitors from 32 countries and regions are slated to attend the event, and the online networking enables buyers/visitors experience various services and functions, including live streaming and appointment scheduling. Buyers can now filter exhibitors by export markets using the optimized search function, which allows for more convenient networking and better trade matchmaking, just as the event slogan: Canton Fair, Global Share!

We, Mysolar invite global business friends to the 132 and Canton Fair online, click here to find our booth online: ; Or find us by search key word: Mysolar
Online Registration and attendance link:

The state-of-the-art Mysolar Premium high-efficiency solar panels will be showcased on Canton Fair online:

Power ranges from 410W-670W, suitable for both residential and commercial projects/installations.
Roof-top installations (Also available for on-ground mounting systems):
ALTRA Series:
MS415M-HA mono-facial silver framed or Full Black solar module
MS415M-DHBA mono bifacial dual-glass solar module
MS460M-HA mono-facial silver framed or Full Black solar module
MS460M-DHBA Mono bifacial dual-glass solar module
MS410PM5-60SB Shingled mono-facial solar module
MS410PM5-60SBF Shingled Full-Black solar module

On-ground mounting installations:
ALTRA Series:
MS505M-HA mono-facial silver framed or Full Flack solar panel
MS490PM5-72SB Shingled Mono-facial solar panel
MS490PM5-72SBF Shingled mono-facial full black solar panel
MS550M-HA 550W mono-facial silver framed solar panel
MS550M-DHBA 550M mono bifacial dual-glass solar panel
GOLD Shingled Series:
MS550M6-SC58 550W Shingled mono-facial solar panel
MS555M6-DB58 555W Shingled bifacial dual-glass solar panel
MS660M6-DB69 660W Shingled bifacial dual-glass solar panel
MS665M6-DB69 665W Shingled bifacial dual-glass solar panel
MS670M6-DB69 670W Shingled bifaiclal dual-glass solar panel

Please send us messages or contact us on the Canton Fair Online Platform for more details.

About Mysolar
Mysolar is a branch of the Mamibot company, specialized in designing and manufacturing solar panels with state-of-the-art technology. Mysolar is a leading global solar panel/module manufacturer, delivering only premium grade A solar panels to the worldwide market, a solar module factory that offers the longest warranty for its high-efficiency and high-quality solar panels.

Mysolar aims to build itself a tier 1 brand solar panel manufacturer. Mysolar has a team of the most experienced engineers with more than 15 years in Solar PV manufacturing, and the strictest quality control team who averagely worked more than 10 years in Solar Panel production; we are a client-oriented and professional sales team who know the art of providing proper solutions and answers to our customers. We have dedicated R&D masters who can bring the latest cost-effective and high-efficient solar modules to the market

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Mysolar Manufacturing (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

© 2014 Mamibot Fabrication États-Unis

Delaware États-Unis,

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Mamibot est une entreprise de haute technologie de conception et de fabrication de produits robotiques et de dispositifs de nettoyage innovants.
Mysolar est une société Mamibot et une marque de produits d'énergie solaire, notamment des modules/panneaux solaires, des onduleurs solaires, un système solaire résidentiel et des centrales solaires commerciales. il vise à faire de Mysolar un fabricant de panneaux solaires de marque de niveau 1 dans le monde entier. Mysolar propose des panneaux solaires PERC Mono à haute efficacité et Mysolar est l'une des principales usines de panneaux solaires pour les panneaux solaires bifaces à double vitrage de haute qualité. Les panneaux solaires de Mysolar sont certifiés par TUV selon IEC61730, IEC61215, IEC61701, IEC61726, etc. Les usines de Mysolar sont vérifiées par ISO9001, ISO14001, OHSAS18001.
Fabricant de panneaux solaires, usine de modules solaires|太阳能组件制造商|ソーラーパネルメーカー、ソーラーモジュール工場|Producteur paneli słonecznych, fabryka modułów słonecznych|Hersteller von Solarmodulen, Fabrik für Solarmodule|Производитель солнечных панеей, занеabris de panneaux solaires| usine de modules solaires|Solpanel producteur, solmodul fabrik|태양 , 태양 전지 모듈 공장|Výrobce solárních panelů, továrna na solární moduly|Fabrikant van zonnepanelen, fabriek van zonnemodules|Fabricantebrica robica solar, fabrikant van zonnepanelen solárnych panelov, továreň na solárne moduly|ผู้ผลิตแผงโซลาร์เซลล์, โรงงานโมดูลพลังงานแสงอาทิตย์|Güneş paneli üreticisi, güneş modülü fabrikası|Виробник сонячних панелей, завод сонячних jape оσυλλεκτών| Produttore di pannelli solari, fabbrica di moduli solari|Nhà sản xuất bảng điều khiển năng lượng mặt trời, nhà máy mô-đun năng lượng mặt trời|مصنع الألواح الشمسية ال ط الشمسية|
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